Deadbolts are a must-have for every home as they are an extra layer of security for the home, and they also serve as a convenient way of securing your door when you are indoors and don’t feel like locking the door. Despite this fact, some homes don’t have deadbolts installed due to one reason or another other and this is very unsafe as it makes breaking into the home easier. Also if you have added one before it is advised to switch to a more secure one.
Now, these deadbolts are available at stores near homes and can be installed easily and conveniently; all you have to do is buy them and install them, and just like that your home is secured a little more. Here are some steps on how to add security deadbolts to your home.
Mark the spot: The first step is to mark the spot where you want the deadbolt to go, or if you have had a deadbolt before and you want to upgrade, what you have to do is remove the previous one and make sure that the spot is debris free.
Gather your tools: What you have to do next is to gather the tools that you want to use in installing the deadbolt; the tools may include power drills, screwdrivers, clamps, saw, chisel, and others.
Bore a hole for assembly: What you have to do next is to bore a hole in the door space you have marked for the preliminary assembly of the deadbolt, using a chisel and a power drill make sure that the hole is just a big enough for the first part of the deadbolt and you can drill another hole on the other side of the door for the latch
Insert Deadbolt: After you are done with the drilling of all the holes necessary, you have to do is to insert the deadbolt in those holes and make sure that they fit; you can make any adjustments that need to be made before properly fastening it against the door with the power drill and screws.
Test the deadbolt: What you need to do next is test the deadbolt by locking it and unlocking it multiple times, and you can also add a bit of pressure against the door from outside to make sure that the deadbolt is properly drilled in and fastened against the door.
